Saturday, January 07, 2006

sorry for the delay...

it has been one hell of a week here in Llama land... the holidays were hectic, the trip was crazy and we have all had that dreaded icky stomach flu. I seriously thought I was going to die. I dont get sick. I simply do NOT get sick...ever...until last Thursday...

Let me back up tho.

Christmas was grand. Pattie made a glorious dinner - that was early for our benefit - and things were very nice. Billy got me a couple of books. We had already decided not to spend a lot of money on each other, especially since my new tatt is considered part of my birthday and Christmas presents. The kids were spoiled by the extended family, as usual. Then it was time to be on the road.

Billy drove the whole time, 6.5 hours to Virginia. The last few hours were in a horrendous amount of thick, low, nasty fog. We had to slow our speed to WAY slow and watch for deer. I swear, VA does it to us every time. There is always a complaint about VA. We got to the hotel, and basically all collapsed to bed. The next morning, I was ready to go at like 6am, and so i got everybody up, and we headed to GA like a bat outta hell. We got to my brother's house in Rome, which is nice, but Rome itself sucks. I went to college there, back when Shorter was known for it's music program. I had a full scholarship...but Rome is completely the pits. We used to say - "Rome if you want to, and I DON'T!!!" - we lovingly referred to Shorter as "shitter"...those were the days, but I digress...

So we get to Rome and my sister and mother came over and we had pizza dinner and that was fun to have the whole family around. My brother has become such a redneck. His house is nice though, even if it is in Rome. So the next day we went to C-Vegas to hang out and see people. Ana's dad actually called and came by to get her, and mom wanted to spend some time with Maura, so that let us to ourselves in the booming metropolis that is Crittersville. We went to the pub and had yummy beers and played a game of scrabble. We stopped by a few people's houses. Then, that night was the concert.

Every year, between Christmas and New Years, there is an annual "young artists" concert called "Home for the Holidays." It features musicians that are originally from Cartersville that have gone on to study music. I performed the first couple of years, but since I have moved, it's kinda hard to get in touch with me. I like to be in the audience anyway. The first girl that sang was about 19-20 years old, and I actually have known her since she was a baby. She had the most lovely voice. She sang the Laughing song from Die Fledermaus completely effortlessly in a key that was insanely high. She sounded like Kathryn Grayson. It was beautiful and light and just amazing. Several of my friends sang other things; one girl sand something from an American Opera that was absolutely beautiful, and another friend did an incredibly difficult Handel ( i think)....another friend who is studying at NYU played some Beethoven on the piano, but the creme de la creme was my friend Phil.

Phil was a freshman when I was a senior. He was horribly annoying, but I had known him from All-State since he was in 7th grade, and I have always done well at tolerating people. He looked up to me, i think. I was one of the big fish in the sea when I was at CHS, and he aspired to be one. The first time I heard him sing after his voice change, he sounded like something close to an ailing duck. He was on key and has always been good technically, but the overall quality of his voice was not so hot. He studied hard though, and followed me to Shorter, sang in the Chorale and worked very hard. He is now an Artist in Residence for some Opera in Tulsa and is about done with his Master's at Indiana. When he opened his mouth to sing last Tuesday, I cried like a was so beautiful.

And then he sang the Largo al Factorum from Il Barbiere Di Siviglia....which for those of you who don't know is very recognizable if you ever watched Bugs Bunny. The whole "Fiiiigaro figaro figaro...." He did it so well. He's actually doing the roll at IU in February. I'm going to see if I can't fly up and see him. He was come so far. It was lovely.

more later, i promise.


Fionnix said...

Yeah! Sounds like you had a really great trip. I hope that you are feeling much, much better... you and the fam. Happy 2006.

Fionnix said...

*tapping foot*
