Friday, June 10, 2005

Let's do the Timewarp again....


I did really well this week at watching what I was eating and walking at night. I was very proud of myself, and today, i barely ate a I was kinda lightheaded when I got home. I hadn't had anything to eat all day except for a spring mix salad with some tofu....

so that pizza dinner is okay, right? and what about the party cake ice cream that I'll try to justify later tonight???

Hello stomach....i am diet, your worst nightmare.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

i think last night.......

I had the perfect melody and some great lyrics all the way to work this morning. I sang it over and over again so that I wouldn’t forget it. I walked into work, wrote the lyrics down…

And completely forgot the melody.


Sunday, June 05, 2005

And Lance was a no show.....

We went to the USPRO Cycling championships today. It was a lot of fun. Our friend has a house right along a strech of the race called "the Wall..." It's a hill in a neighborhood called Manayunk that is very steep and gradual. I could barely walk it with my out of shape self, so I'm sure the cyclists were having loads of fun trying to bike up it! The course is 10 laps and 156 miles. Everytime they came around, we ran outside to cheer, and then back inside to the cool air conditioning!! I am a little sunburnt, but we had a wonderful time.

I'm going vegan i think. I got some health test results back, and while they are not incredibly horrid, neither are they incredibly wonderful. I am a sloppy vegitarian, and I really eat like I'm stupid, so I'm gonna stop that and get myself in gear. I have to get myself back in shape, and be on the road to living my life like I want to again....which after today may also put me looking at houses in Manayunk...!!!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Spring Cleaning....

Okay, so Spring is almost over, and I am finally cleaning out everything. I am packing away baby clothes, in case I have another, and packing away the elder's nicer things for the younger to eventually wear. I came across some old pictures, which was nice because I found some frames as well. I got new shelves at IKEA and I am putting pictures on them, and now I have pictures of more than just my family.

I found an incredibly gorgeous picture of J, and a picture of L from highschool. They are both 5x7, and I incidentally found a double 5x7 now 2 of my closest friends are next to each other for me to see and blow kisses at every day. yay. I miss you guys, and love you dearly.

Reading Rudolf Steiner. L, you should check this dude out. Austrian philosopher. Good stuff...

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Waffle House

i wish people would come and visit me, because I can't afford to go home. I miss everyone and everything and it makes me so sad. I don't want to be so unhappy. I'm really not terribly unhappy...i just want to go home.....and I don't know where that is. I want everything back. I want my life at 19 to start there over again. I want to sing. I want to play. I want to be happy. I want to be free. Someone please come and visit me and cheer me up and bring me some hashbrowns, scattered, smothered and covered......