Wednesday, December 21, 2005


It’s cold outside. It’s not the kind of cold where you can see your breath, but the kind of cold that you can’t see for everybody else’s breath in front of you. I have had a lot going on lately and haven’t had a chance to update since the party. I know that everyone is waiting to hear how the party was, so I will tell you, it was fabulous!

I left work with my court staff around 4:45. We walked a few blocks down to the party area, which was also one of the law offices. We walked in, and there was a make-shift bar on one side with a nice fireplace behind it. The furniture all looked antique and beautiful. There was a huge aquarium on the other side of the room with all kinds of exotic looking fish, and the music playing sounded like a soft Irish jig. We ordered drinks and looked around. We were some of the first people there. It didn’t take long for people to start showing up though! The court clerk and I sat down along with another girl from my office, and we watched as all the important people came in. Court reporters, lawyers, and even judges started filing in. After a while, one of my court officer friends decided that it was time that we checked out the other building for the party, which was down this street.

The street is one of those old narrow streets that is like an alley way compared to what streets are now. There are cobblestones and the buildings all used to be old row houses. They are really nice. A few doors down was the other building that was part of our party. We walked inside to a decorated Christmas tree, a full bar that one could actually sit down at, and much more room. We were told that this building actually used to be a gay bar. It was much bigger, and the music was more of a Diana Krall Christmas theme going on. My friend and I sat down at the bar and flirted with the bar tender. It was fun. Then came the FOOD!!! They had bar-b-cue brisket, chicken, greens, potato salad, mashed sweet potatoes, baked beans, mac and cheese, and plenty more. I felt like I was at my friend’s house back in Atlanta!!

A lot of the party stayed in the little street between the 2 buildings. I hung around with Raul and several of my friends from the DA’s office and the PD’s office. It was a very interesting mix of people. I did a little networking and met some people in high places. We’ll see what happens. Raul decided that it might not be safe for me to walk to the train alone, so he walked me down, and also rode all the way home with me…and then all the way back to South Philly, which is pretty far. He’s a nice guy.

So there is your party update. It was fun, and I can’t wait for the one next year. There are a lot of other things going on with work and such that I really need to blog about, but I can’t do it now, to save my sanity. I’ll write it later….I’m just waiting to be in ATL next week. God, I can’t wait.

Peace and love to all…..

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