Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Okay. It’s been a while since my last update and there are a lot of things going on. A lot of people have been asking me what’s up, and where have I been, and am I okay. I assure you, I am fine. I love my life, and though things could be better, they could definitely be a hell of a lot worse, so I count my blessings.

The questions asked most lately have been about my new job, as a secretary to a judge. For everyone’s information, I am doing wonderfully. I am happy and work is good. I got an unheard of raise – I’m talking 5 figures. It’s wonderful. He is a sensational guy, and so easy to work for. He’s not very demanding, and we get along really well. He tells me daily how happy he is that I am there, and what a great job I am doing. I have also learned a lot about the things he does. I already knew a lot, but it is fun seeing even more. I’m glad he is happy, and he is glad that I am happy. ..and I am happy.

Also, I’ve been requested to sing at a wedding on April 8th. I’ve been doing weddings and funerals as often as I can at church, and now, I’ve been requested. That is really nice. This couple actually heard me and decided that they wanted ME to sing at their wedding. Now, many of you know that I have been singing at weddings forever..but Catholic weddings are so different, and so much more goes into it. I have to sing the opening song, the closing song, a Psalm, usually an Ave Maria (the Catholics LOVE that…), a song for communion, and a song for meditation. I love singing with the pipe organ from the choir loft. It is such a beautiful sound. Hubby says that if I keep these church gigs up, then I’ll be the bread winner. He’ll be a kept man. Good for him. That means he’ll have to make dinner. I can’t be super mom forever!!

Another thing that a couple of people have asked me about is my ex getting married. Not my ex-husband, but the only other guy that I have ever been serious with besides my current first, real, true love and everything. Well, many of you, I’m sure read about my epiphany a while back that I had about him, and I still feel the same way. I am happy for him. I hope that they are able to live together, as he can be difficult to live with – can’t we all? But at any rate, I honestly wish him happiness. From what I know of her, she seems like a unique and talented woman, which is what he likes. I hope that they are always good to each other, and that they remember the little things that keep a relationship going, so that they can last. I hope they can be as happy as I am, and I am very happy with my hubby.

Hubby is doing well, by the way. We are both on the track to better health and debt- free living…so that we can buy a house. We talked to a mortgage guy last night about getting our credit straight, and it’s not as bad as we thought it was gonna be. We are getting that straightened out, and then we’ll have a house, and eventually, more bubbies…but in the meantime, hubby and I are both trying to eat healthy. I am very proud of him, and am so happy with him. He is really a wonderful husband, and I feel like I don’t give him enough credit sometimes. After-all, he spends all afternoon taking care of the kids, doing homework, and he even makes dinner sometimes, and always helps with the cleaning. Yep. He’s a good man. I love him so much.

On the music front, there is a little café near me called the “Chit Chat Café” and I think that I am going to go over there and offer to entertain on the weekends. It is a cute little place on the corner with coffee and cappuccino and sandwiches and cakes and it’s really quaint. The only problem is that every time I go by, it says OPEN and looks inviting…but is completely empty, except for the owners – Asian husband and wife – sitting at a table kind of gazing out the window. They even got this huge banner that says “Now Serving Cappuccino…” I have no P.A. system, but I think that maybe I could stand in the corner with my guitar and just sing for people. Maybe it’ll bring them in…and I’d do it just for tips to start….just put a jar or a hat out or something. It’s actually located on the corner of my friend Laura’s street, and she’s the one that suggested I go ask them about playing on the weekends. She would come and invite people, and maybe that would get the word started.

Things are coming together. It’s about damn time.

So that’s the update in a nutshell…a very LARGE nutshell, but a nutshell nonetheless. I hope that everyone is doing well.

And hubby updated a couple weeks ago so check out my other half…..

1 comment:

Fionnix said...


Thank you for the update. Your boss sounds excellent. Everything sounds excellent, actually.

Yeah for that!!!

More updates, more often...

Tee hee.

Take care,