Monday, August 28, 2006

okay, suckers...

I feel obligated to post something. I haven't posted anything of substance lately. A lot has been going on around me, but not too much has been going on with me directly. I watched my best friend have a breakdown that I don't think she could have stopped..and I really don't think she wanted to stop it. I think she needed it to heal. In retrospect, it did her well, and she is recovering better than I think she lets on. She is a beautiful and wonderful human being and has been a very important part of my life for 13(ish) years. Things are looking up for her (finally) and I'm glad, because she's worth it, and she deserves all the good things that are coming to her.

My nephew is precious and has a heart murmur. Hopefully it's not a serious one. He will see a cardiologist, and we'll see.

My sister an insane, stuck up, snobby bitch, but I love her to pieces, and i will always let her treat me shittily and I will give back to her the opposite because I love her, life is too short, and it's just not worth it. I have learned that her husband, otherwise known as K-Fed to her Britney, is not all bad. He is a poseur and mostly a wannabe, but he loves her and means well, and stands up to her bitchiness, and she takes what he says to heart, even when she won't listen to anyone else. He brings her back down from the high horse.

I need a hair cut and I want it cut like Kat Von D.

I found a dress for my friend's wedding that I look great in, and i'm not too modest to say it.

I feel like I need more attention from my husband sometimes. I told him that.

Work is okay. There are good days and bad. Mostly, if boss man is in a good mood, then all is right in the world.

I still wanna be a rock star, and I'm staring to get the itch for a new tattoo. Someone help me with ideas.

I went to a bachelorette party Saturday night and had an absolute blast. I'm going out this Friday with my beautiful friend from work. She got a new job, and I'm sad to see her go, but I am completely ecstatic for her. I hope I can still hang out with her. She is one of the few people that I have met up here that i'd actually call a close friend. She rocks.

I miss GA....but the fall is coming, and it's gorgeous here then.

That is all. Thank you, and good night.

1 comment:

Snewo said...

Awwww. I love you too. And your description/response to my breakdown was about the best I've heard yet. Props to insightful best friend, yo.

Your sister is lovely. Somehow when she is being opinionated, I find it really cute. I'm sure I wouldn't feel so adoring if she was my sister.

I hope most-beautiful-baby-boy-in-the-world is ok. Let me know.

And I need your sister's apartment # again so I can send her flowers. Because without her, I would've shown up at interviews looking like my typical sweaty nasty ol' self.

Is your friend leaving the Law Clerk?